Lions of A-711, Welcome to the New Lion Year.
As your District Governor for Lion year 2024-2025, I am honored to be given the responsibility of Stewardship for our District. Over the last four years we have been asked to serve from the heart. Serving from the Heart is what we do. During those years the world was in crisis. A pandemic, never seen in our generation. International President Douglas X Alexander’s theme was serving from the heart.
We were then asked to work outside of the proverbial box. By International President Brian Sheehan. He wanted us to step out from the old traditional ways of thinking, to do things that would invigorate our Lions into new areas of Service. It was a new undertaking. Resilient as we are, we met the challenge head-on.
Change the world: One service project at a time. Yes indeed, we committed to changing the world with our international President Dr. Patti Hill. The world was in the doldrums. Pandemic behind us, we started changing the world. With a challenge to reach 1.5 million members by 2027
Membership Growth: we commit ourselves to the new Challenge of 1.5 million members by 2027. We need to concentrate on membership growth and retention for the next three years and beyond. The district Goals are in place, these goals are not for the short term. This is the blueprint that would keep us ahead of the game. chartering new clubs, revitalizing existing clubs with new members. Help will be given to clubs that are finding it difficult to recruit new members because of age and demographics. I am confident that commitment to Growing our membership will be successful.
Education: It is said a trained Lion is a Lion that is better equipped for service. Lions Clubs International created several avenues for us to enhance our lives as volunteers through Lifelong Learning. Why! They provided us with the tools for us to Serve the world. With the Knowledge of the needs of the people around us. Our Global Leadership Team will guide us by recommending use of the training provided by LCI Learn and Lions University.
LCIF Canada Fund: This Foundation is ours; we need to support it with our contributions. The slogan Where there’s a need there’s a Lion Demands funding to keep it working. There have always been disasters around the World, but they are much more prevalent today, which means we need to do a little more to help the cause.
Collaboration: As the world’s largest Service organization, we are forever striving to serve better. Joining forces with other like-minded groups we will be able to serve more people that are in need. We must seek out these organizations; to build strong relationships, more hands deliver more service.
Make your Mark: Lion President Fabricio Oliveira challenge us to make our Mark. Making our Mark will leave an indelible print on the path that our Lion member could follow. The stage is set for a successful Lion Year. I congratulate you for all you do for Humankind. This World is a better place because of Lions like you. We Serve.
District Governor Lion Julian M Austin OLY. PMJF. QLF. FDI. LCIP.